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- promoting responsible shared parenting after separation and divorce -

Family Court Review

Index to volume 39 (2001)

39 (1) - January 2001
Special Issue - Adoptions

Editorial Notes: ANDREW SCHEPARD, p 3


Introduction: GLENDA ROTHBERG, p 19


In Search of Permanency: A Reflection on the First 3 Years of the Adoption and Safe Families Act Implementation; STEPHANIE JILL GENDELL, p 25

The Case for Adoption Alternatives: SUSAN L. BROOKS, p 43

Tennessee's Adoption Law: Balancing the Interests of the Adoption Triad; JULIE K. SANDINE and FREDERICK F. GREENMAN, p 58

Oregon's Ballot Measure 58: A Grossly Unfair and State-Sanctioned Betrayal of Birth Mothers; I. FRANKLIN HUNSAKER, p 75

The Winds of Change in Adoption Laws: Should Adoptees Have Access to Adoption Records? BRETT S. SILVERMAN, p 85

Student Note

Muddling Through the Murky Waters of Troxel: Will Grandparent Visitation Statutes Sink or Swim? BRYAN THOMAS WHITE, p 104

Model Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation; THE SYMPOSIUM ON STANDARDS OF PRACTICE, p 121

39 (2) - April 2001

Editorial Notes: ANDREW SCHEPARD, p 139

The Wingspread Report and Action Plan

High-Conflict Custody Cases: Reforming the System for Children, p 146


Measuring Progress in Improving Court Processing of Child Abuse and Neglect Cases; VICTOR E. FLANGO, p 158

Family Court Assessment: Dissolution of Marriage in Florida - Preliminary Assessment Findings; SONDRA WILLIAMS and SHARON BUCKINGHAM, p 170

Fostering Culturally Responsive Courts: The Case of Family Dispute Resolution for Latinos; STEVEN WELLER, JOHN A. MARTIN, and JOHN PAUL LEDERACH, p 185

Early Intervention Mediation: The Use of Court-Ordered Mediation in the Initial Stages of Divorce Litigation to Resolve Parenting Issues; JAYNE ZUBERBUHLER, p 203

Student Note

The Problems and Benefits of Adopting Family Group Conferencing for PINS (CHINS) Children; MATTHEW KOGAN, p 207

2000 Law Student Essay Contest Winner

Tennessee's Adoption Law and the Limitations of the Constitutional Arguments Regarding Open Records; LESLIE J. KELLEY, p 223

39 (3) - July 2001

Special issue: Alienated children in divorce

Editorial Notes: ANDREW SCHEPARD, p 243

Guest Editorial Notes: JANET R JOHNSON and JOAN B KELLY, p 246

The alienated child: A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome; JOAN B KELLY and JANET R JOHNSON, p 249

Should judges close the gate on PAS?; R James Willams, p267

Assessing for alienation in child custody and access evaluations; S Margaret Lee, Nancy W Olesen, p 282

Legal and psychological management of cases with an alienated child; Matthew J Sullivan, Joan B Kelly, p 299

Therapeutic work with alienated children and their families; Janet R Johnson, Marjorie Gans Walters, Steve Friedlander, p 316

Student Note

Evidentiary issues with Parental Alienation Syndrome; Lewis Zirogiannis, p 334

39 (4) - October 2001

Editorial Notes: ANDREW SCHEPARD p 243

The continuing debate about overnight visitation

Editor's Note; p 354

Another Look at the Developmental Research: Commentary on Kelly and Lamb's "Using Child Development Research to Make Appropriate Custody and Access Decisions for Young Children" JUDITH SOLOMON and ZEYNEP BIRINGEN; p 355

Using the Empirical Literature to Guide the Development of Parenting Plans for Young Children: A Rejoinder to Solomon and Biringen; MICHAEL. E LAMB arid JOAN B KELLY; p 365

Never Paint by the Numbers: A Response to Kelly and Lamb (2000), Solomon and Biringen (2001) and Lamb and Kelly (2001); JONATHAN W GOULD and PHILIP M STAHL; p 372

Court Affiliated Parent Education

Assisting Children through Transition: Helping Parents Protect Their Children From the Toxic Effects of Ongoing Conflict in the Aftermath of Divorce; JOANNE PEDRO-CARROLL, ELLEN NAKHNIKIAN and GUILLERNIO MONTES; p 377

Status of Court-Connected Programs for Children Whose Parents are Separating or Divorcing; ROBYN J GEELHOED, KAREN R BLAISURE and MARGIE J GEASLER; p393

Mediation Developments

Confidentiality Revisited: California Style; HUGH MCISAAC; p 405

A Study of Domestic Mediation Outcomes With Indigent Parents; JUDITH V CAPREZ and MICKI A ARMSTRONG; p 415

Student Notes

Mediation Trends: A Survey of the States; CARRIE-ANNE TONDO, RINARISA CORONEL and BETHANY DRUCKER; p 431

In the Aftermath of Troxel v Granville: Is Mediation the Answer?; MICHAEL E RATNER; p 454

Supervised Access and Exchange

An Exploratory Study of Supervised Access and Custody Exchange Services: The Parental Experience; BARBARA E FLORY, JERRY DUNN, MARLA BERG-WEGER and MARGUERITE MILSTEAD

Custody Evaluations

Partner Violence and Risk Assessment in Child Custody Evaluations; WILLIAM G AUSTIN p 483


Philip M. Stahl's Complex Issues in Child Custody Evaluations; Reviewed by JANET R. JOHNSTON p 497

Last updated - 15 March 2003
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