Shared Parenting Information Group (SPIG) UK

- promoting responsible shared parenting after separation and divorce -

501 Ways to be a good parent (book review)

Michele Elliot (1996)

501 Ways to be a good parent - from the frantic fours to the terrible twelves.
Hodder and Stoughton. £8.99.

Michele Elliot is a psychologist, the founder and director of the children's charity Kidscape and a parent. This is an excellent, sensible, practical hands on guide to parenting. The book is divided into three parts Getting through the day, getting through life and getting through a crisis.. It deals with the many practical problems that parents have to face; keeping kids safe, how to get them to bed on time, answering embarrassing questions, making sure they stay on the right track. There is an excellent eight page section on Helping your children with divorce or separation. Michelle Elliot offers tried and tested advice in a sensible and non doctrinaire way. Worth buying as a reference book if you've got pre teen children.

Recommended for parents in intact families and non residential parents alike.

Arthur Baker, Sept 1996

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